Monday, December 12, 2016

The Perfect Social Media Sites to Use to Promote Your Artwork

Many, if not all talented artists at some point struggle to achieve the recognition their work deserves. Obtaining an ideal audience for our art is possibly the most difficult step in the entire creative process. It doesn’t have to be. We are lucky to live in the digital age, where sharing creative works can be easily done from the comfort of a connected device.

The connective simplicity we enjoy is thanks in large part to social media, which has allowed artists all over the world to share and spread each other’s creative endeavors.

Here is a bit of info on five social media sites positively essential to artists looking to gain exposure for their work.

  1. Pinterest - A virtual bulletin board that simplifies and streamlines image posting.

  1. Behance - Owned and operated by Adobe, this site was built exclusively to facilitate displaying creative work online.

  1. Twitter - Twitter's 140 character limit leaves room for nothing but concision, a trait essential for gaining online attention.

  1. CGSociety -  User based forums and a sleek organizational structure make this site a staple in any graphic artist’s online toolkit.

  1. Facebook - Facebook’s greatest strength is the fact that so many people and organizations use it.

If finding a home for your work is something you’ve been struggling with, this blog I wrote (originally published on might be exactly what you’re looking for! In it I provide comprehensive explanations for each of the above social media sites, so you can make informed decisions that gain your portfolio the attention it deserves.