Thursday, November 30, 2017

Best Cities for Graphic Designers: Beijing

So far in our series, we’ve covered two places in North America where graphic design is prevalent. For our third city, I wanted to branch out to other parts of the world. Today’s great city for a graphic designer is Beijing, China.

Many people think of China as simply a communist state, where everyone works in a factory. However, there is more to the story than that. China has a rich cultural and artistic scene, and Beijing is right at the heart of it. Considered the art capital of the country, Beijing is a great place for a graphic designer.

Let’s look at salary. Graphic designers in Beijing typically make no less than 234,000 Chinese Yen, which roughly translates to 45,500 CAD. A one-bedroom apartment in the center of Beijing costs about 1,139 CAD per month, and the cost of living aside from rent is about 685.00 CAD per month. This means you will have roughly 2,000 CAD left each month to use for entertainment or to save. Considering the cost of living is lower in Beijing than in Toronto, and you will likely have a higher salary, this can be a great place to live if you are looking to pursue your passion and save money for a few years.

There are a few things to note about working and living in China. There are very strict laws that govern the country, from censorship to control of the Internet. You also should be fluent in Mandarin, as it will be easier to get by than it would be if you relied on English. Furthermore, if you are not of East Asian descent, you may stick out in Beijing, and you could be targeted by criminals as an unsuspecting foreigner. However, if you can bypass these pitfalls, Beijing is a great place to make a nice living and save a decent amount of money, all while working in the field you want.

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